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In Valoran Land, When playing the game, players can challenge various instances, upgrade heroes and obtain better props. The ultimate goal of the game is to beat the boss - Phantom Spirit Beast. The token paid by all players in playing the game will automatically go into the body of the Phantom Spirit Beast, and all tokens will be released if it is defeated by a hero. Defeated, the Phantom Beast will be reborn and become more powerful, continuing to accumulate assets in its body and waiting for players to challenge it again
According to the different attributes of each hero, the rarity of hero is assigned to 5 levels, which are SSR, SR, S, R, N.
Hero NFT
Initially created heroes are all level 1, consume a certain number of SKT(remains of divine beasts) to level up your character, the higher the level, the more SKT are needed. SKT can be obtained through the rewards of adventures, and also through the mining method of each hero's daily work(Coming soon). Upgrading a hero is one of the most important attributes of a hero. It will increase the hero's combat power and mining speed, but upgrading will not increase the hero's base attributes. Higher level jobs and replicas require the appropriate hero level to participate.
Land NFT: Coming soon
Weapon NFT: Coming soon
Equipment NFT: Coming soon